Please donate
Your generous contribution will help ensure that people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings have access to free, face-to-face support that could save their lives.
Your generous contribution will help ensure that people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings have access to free, face-to-face support that could save their lives.
buys a comforting cup of tea or coffee for visitors at all our sites for a whole day
Donate nowcovers the cost of 5 face-to-face appointments for someone who is feeling suicidal
Donate nowallows us to make first contact with 10 suicidal people who have been referred for help.
Donate £100people take their own life every day in the UK
suicidal people are being supported by us every month
referrals received a month from people who desperately need our help
TLP is open 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 364 days a year.
Your employer or business can support TLP through office fundraising events or a corporate partnership.
By remembering TLP in your will, you can help us continue to support people through their darkest moments.
Giving your time to listen empathetically to people who no longer feel life is worth living is another way to help.