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What We Offer?

Free, face-to-face, ongoing support, by appointment, for those who feel that life is no longer worth living.

Carefully trained volunteers are supported by experienced mental health practitioners in delivering regular meetings with our visitors who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings.

We provide fortnightly sessions, based on active listening and befriending: building trust and a supportive relationship, usually for three months. Our impact measurement shows that this helps people with suicidal thoughts to openly discuss, examine, and reflect on their situation with a warm and supportive Volunteer.

Who are Our Visitors?

Anyone aged 18 or over, who feels suicidal and can reach one of our London sites can access our support.

The people we support come from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and ethnicities; many find themselves in incredibly challenging situations. Crucially, anyone can feel suicidal, and there is no ‘stereotypical’ Visitor.

We receive over 700 referrals a month and that is increasing every month. Our referrals come from more than 150 partners including the NHS, charities, the Police, and Social Services.

Why Does it Work?

The Listening Place rooms are non-clinical and welcoming and feel like a warm safe space in the centre of London.

Visitors know that we are comfortable talking about suicide and are fully confidential. This allows visitors to feel safe enough to talk about every aspect of their distress.

Talking about suicide is the most important thing that can be done to support someone who no longer sees the point in living. That is the focus of what we do. We enable Visitors to talk about suicide.