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I need help

We offer free, face-to-face support for people who feel life is no longer worth living.


If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings, you can self-refer for support with one of our volunteers.
Self-referral form

Partner referral

If you are making a referral on behalf of someone else who is feeling suicidal, please use the partner referral form.
Partner referral form

Do you feel as though life is no longer worth living?

The world can seem like a very lonely place when you’re feeling suicidal.

And we understand that talking about how you feel can seem really difficult and scary.

At The Listening Place, our trained volunteers offer a warm and welcoming environment where you can come and talk about your feelings without being judged or given advice.

Our service is completely confidential so you don’t need to worry that anything you say will be passed onto the NHS or any other organisations.

Is The Listening Place right for me?

If you…

  • are over 18 and struggling to find a point to life
  • want to explore difficult feelings that you haven’t been able to open up about before, and
  • want to be listened to in a non-judgmental way

then you might benefit from sessions with us.

How do the appointments work?

  • The Listening Place is not a ‘drop-in’ centre – we see all our visitors by appointment.
  • After you have submitted your self-referral form, we will be in contact within 24 hours.
  • We will book you in for an initial appointment at which we get to know you a bit better and decide together whether our service is right for you.
  • We then match you up with a Listening Volunteer for fortnightly appointments.
  • Your Listening Volunteer will ask you questions about your feelings so that you can explore them together with someone who is there to offer you unconditional emotional support.
  • Your initial set of appointments are followed by a review appointment at which we discuss next steps.
The opportunity to explore my thoughts and feelings around suicidal intent…is the first time in my life that I felt I could speak openly without being judged, without someone else telling me how or what I should be thinking or feeling.”

Frequently asked questions

How can I be referred to The Listening Place?

You can either refer yourself by completing the form at the top of this page or ask your GP to refer you.

We also get referrals from many different charities and health and social care organisations.

Will I always see the same person?

We aim to make sure that you see the same trained volunteer throughout your ongoing appointments with us. This may not always be possible, but we will always find a replacement volunteer for you to speak to on those occasions.

How long are the sessions?

Between 45 and 50 minutes, and these take place once a fortnight.

How long can I continue to be a visitor at The Listening Place?

We typically offer three or six fortnightly sessions initially, as we are a short-term service.

These will be followed by a review session where we discuss next steps together.

Where is The Listening Place?

We currently have three locations across London: Pimlico, Hammersmith and King’s Cross. The exact addresses can be found on our contact page.

The details for your appointment location will be sent to you in advance of your appointment.

If in doubt, please call on 020 3906 7676 and we would be happy to check the location of your appointment, or provide any assistance needed with finding us.

When can I come?

We can see you by appointment between 9am and 9pm, 7 days a week.

Is the service confidential?

Yes, we have clear policies on keeping what you tell us confidential. We will be very happy to discuss these with you at your first appointment.

How much does it cost?

Nothing, we are a charity.

Do you provide a helpline?

No, we provide face-to-face support by appointment only.

If you are in crisis and would like immediate support over the phone, please dial 116 123 to speak to the Samaritans on their 24/7 helpline.

Have another question?

If you have any questions about making a self-referral, please call on 020 3906 7676 or get in touch using our visitor contact form
Visitor contact form