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The Listening Place has collaborative relationships with a number of charity partners including CALMHestiaMaytreeNightline, PapyrusTASCSilence Of Suicide (SOS), a number of local branches of Mind and the British Red Cross


We welcome referrals from other charities, health professionals and the NHS. If you wish to refer someone to us, please either use the referral form below wherever possible, call us on 020 3906 7676, or email us.

Referral form

Some of our partnered organisations

What we offer

Free, ongoing, face-to-face listening appointments with a dedicated volunteer for three months to a year.

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Our impact

We measure the difference our volunteers make so that our model of support can reach as many people as possible.

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Our team

Our volunteers and leadership team receive expert advice from a wide range of mental health clinicians and healthcare professionals.

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