The Listening Place has changed how we support those who feel suicidal. It’s simple. A welcoming place to go. A person who cares. An opportunity to be heard.
From as little as £5 a month, you could cover the cost of face-to-face support at The Listening Place.
Fundraise for us
There are lots of exciting ways to raise money for The Listening Place.
Get involved
On average 18 people die by suicide every day in the UK.
We receive around 700 referrals to our service every month.
Our volunteers deliver appointments 7 days a week, 364 days a year.
“I am proud to have engaged with The Listening Place for over 5 years. My NHS crisis team at King’s College Hospital regularly sends referrals for individual support and the feedback is great.”
John Madden, Senior Psychiatric Liaison Nurse, King’s College Accident & Emergency.
“Truly a lifesaving organisation. This has been one of the most helpful support systems I have ever used.”
A quote from one of our visitors.
Fundraising at Work
There are plenty of ways your company can support The Listening Place through fundraising events at work or through a corporate partnership.
Is Volunteering for You?
We need warm, empathetic, and caring individuals who want to help others and have the time to offer ongoing, non-judgmental, face-to-face support.