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We’re a small charity with a big impact

Our volunteers give over £1.2 million worth of their time each year, meaning that supporting each of our visitors for as long as they need costs under £300. We run three sites across London, 12 hours a day and 364 days a year, supporting around 2,000 people every month.


Help us provide vital support for people who feel life is no longer worth living, from as little as £5 a month.

Fundraise for us

Raise money in your community to help us offer support to those struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings
Fundraise for us


Almost all of our visitors rate TLP’s support as ‘good’ or ‘very good’


We receive around 700 referrals to our service every month.


Our volunteers deliver appointments 7 days a week, 364 days a year.

Get involved at work

Your employer or business can support TLP through office fundraising events or a corporate partnership.

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Leave a gift in your will

By remembering TLP in your will, you can help us continue to support people through their darkest moments.

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Volunteer with TLP

Giving your time to listen empathetically to people who no longer feel life is worth living is another way to help.

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The Listening Place is funded by